Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin for President 2012!

If you will indulge me, I am going to do a political post tonight and I'll post a family update later.....

Prior to last Friday I was planning on voting for McCain, but it would not have been an enthusiastic vote. It would be more of a vote against Obama and a half-hearted vote of support. McCain by himself, while a hero and someone to admired, is not as conservative as I would like.

But then, last Friday, he introduced Sarah Palin as his running mate. Whoa Baby! I had actually seen Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck a few months ago and heard a few people toss out her name as a possible VP pick, but I didn't think she had a chance. When I heard her speech last Friday introducing herself to America, I cried. I cried because she is not only someone who holds the same values as I, but she is someone I thought, "that could be me in a few years". Growing up I always said I wanted to be the first woman President of the United States. As an adult, I have had no desire to be in politics, but if I were I think I would want to be like Sarah. She is a wife and mom, strongly pro-choice, a member of the NRA, conservative in her beliefs of the role of government, smart, well spoken and an Assemblies of God Christian! Sure, her family is not perfect, but I would like to meet someone whose family is!

I also have to say that I love that she is a strong woman, but still is feminine. So often, women in positions of power, whether a CEO or a civic leader, have a hard edge to them. It seems power and physical attractiveness/softness are mutually exclusive of each other. Well, that is a mold Sarah Palin has broken! I love that she is fashionable and pretty.....I mean she's been in Vogue!

I can't wait to learn more about her. I hope that she lives up to my hopes for her. McCain/Palin now has my heart-felt vote and I hope they triumph come November! And come four years from now, I'll be on the Palin for President 2012 bandwagon!


Leah said...

I couldn't agree more!!! I am finally excited about this election and am rooting for McCain/Palin whole-heartedly! She is awesome... I sincerely hope we get the chance to see what she can accomplish in the White House!

Good post!

Missy said...

I was very relieved to see that McCain chose a "real" conservative to be his running mate. I hope she will balance his more liberal side. I am very happy McCain/Palin are gaining some momentum!!!

Newsome News said...

I totally agree with you Heidi! I love Sarah Palin and I am more excited about this election than any other.

Team Harry said...

I soooo agree with your comment on my blog... I have thought the same thing about all the other celebrity Moms that have kids and do it all without all this controversy!! Most of the scrutiny is because this is a Political Issue and most Political Issues can be so 'touchy'....
Im looking forward to the outcome and Faithfully Praying!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, ma'am! I'm totally on board with you, girl!