Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning

For the first time as our little family, we celebrated Christmas together on Christmas morning. It was the most fun I have had at Christmas since I was kid! I have always heard how Christmas is for the kids, and for the first time I totally got that. I was so happy to see Ethan & Annaliese with their wonder and excitement, that wondering what I received for Christmas was not even a thought this year. I will really treasure the memories we made!

Here are some pictures from our fun-filled morning:

Here's the kids with their stockings

Ethan playing with his new kaleidoscope, Bobby checking out Ethan's pop-up bug book and Annaliese on the move

Sweet Annaliese taking it all in!

Annaliese playing with new toy

Handsome Ethan on his new bike!


Newsome News said...

Annaliese is a true Texas girl in that her sleeper is not complete without a bow, I love it!